
How have I not yet posted about the hilarity of the trip that was Amsterdam?! Fail… Its so far back now that I don’t even remember half of it (though that could have been down to the ‘vibe’), but luckily I did some writing while I was out there...

Basic blogger

So clearly I am the worst blogger like EVER. Laaaaaaaazy. In my defence, I didn’t want to bore people with mundane bits of information but as I have 3 followers, I don’t think it matters cause no-ones reading it aaaaaanyways! Now I’ve had this...

New Year, New Fun!

Well well, Happy New Year to all who I haven’t said it to yet. I have to say, I am rather excited about what this year has to bring. We’ve barely skimmed the half way January mark and behold, I have a 12-month plan in place. Knowing me, it will change daily but it’s...

First week (or so) in Trujillo

This morning is the first that I’ve felt mildly able to account for my time thus far. Having landed and settled in with my Peruvian family I’ve been frantically trying to learn Spanish as quickly as humanly possible whilst also finishing my online TEFL...

Blog Post Número Uno

So I guess I’ve decided to start my blog today because it’s the first day I’ve actually been able to sit down and reflect on the major changes that have happened recently. To ease you in I moved house at the beginning of this week. The location is...